About the Author

Connie and her bassets

Connie has always loved dogs … and her household normally averages a pack of four!

Although educated at UCLA and Chouinard Art Institute in Los Angeles, most of Connie’s inspiration comes from life, her friends and her family. While raising children, Fine Arts morphed into Commercial Art to support the family and her accomplishments include the illustration of five guitar instruction books.

Connie’s proudest of her three wonderful children. Holly Tuesday Baxter, MFT, focuses on children and young adults thru her family counseling and Elementary School Counseling in California. She has both fiction and non-fiction books to her credit including one she co-authored on Music Therapy. Holly offered the encouragement  Connie needed to write  the Solo the Basset Series. The hope is that children can be spared the pain of growing up with attitudes that inflict harm on others as well as on themselves.

Jesse Tuesday Baxter and Riley Tuesday Baxter are both fine artists who have long encouraged their mother to return to her love of fine art. Their gently presented perspectives and constant encouragement was the impetus needed to draw and re-draw every picture until both were happy.

(… and, yes, all three children were born on Tuesday.)

Having only one sibling, Connie and her sister, Carolyn Leavitt, are very close. Carolyn, like Connie, is always exploring new avenues. Indeed, at the age of 41, Carolyn went back to College to get a nursing degree! Horticulture, horses, dogs, quilting, reading and now painting keep Carolyn busy but whatever the new challenge, they support each other. When Connie’s son, Jesse, suggested an Interactive Website, it was Carolyn who took on the challenge and created Solo the Basset.com.

Everything Connie has ever taken on has been a challenge. Mindful that it is wonderful to have Family standing with you, she explains, “Life is not and never will be easy for anyone who imagines a goal and strives to reach it. Just be true to yourself and keep your path as straight as you can and, like the puppy SOLO, you will GROW STRONG AND BE HAPPY.”

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